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Assembly to Donate American Flags to Ozark Catholic Academy Classrooms on Presidents Day 2021


Located at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Tontitown (when there isn't a pandemic) the Fourth Degree Assembly #3101 is next-door neighbors with Ozark Catholic Academy. Just like Ozark Catholic, we are a regional Catholic institution, and partnership between the high school and the Assembly is a natural fit. In a recent conversation with John Rocha, Headmaster of Ozark Catholic Academy, the need for American flags in the Ozark Catholic Academy classrooms arose. American flags are a staple in classrooms across the country, but being a relatively new school, Ozark Catholic Academy did not yet have any. This presented the perfect opportunity for Assembly #3101 to exemplify the Fourth Degree principle of Patriotism.

In the November meeting, the Assembly unanimously voted to approve the purchase of:

  • American flags for all Ozark Catholic Academy classrooms

  • Mounting brackets for all flags in the classrooms

  • A dedicatory plaque from the Assembly for the display in the school

The Assembly plans to install the flags over the weekend of February 13th, and then on Monday February 15th (Presidents Day), officially "present" them to Ozark Catholic Academy. This will be a great way to mark Presidents Day, a visible Patriotic service by the Assembly, and a great way to strengthen our neighborly bond with Ozark Catholic Academy. If you wish to participate in the installation of the flags on the weekend of February 13th, or to join in the presentation of the plaque on February 15th, contact the Faithful Navigator.

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